The Healthway Deluxe treats an area up to 1,200 square feet with its patented 9-stage DFS Air Purification System.
The Healhway Deluxe benefits to help you breathe easier. Proprietary Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) technology: Electronically enhanced filtration to attract and capture ultrafine particles. 7-stage VOC absorption pre-filter: Removes odors, chemicals, and other VOCs. 4 speeds: Low, medium, high, turbo. 100% sealed filtration chamber: Ensures no air bypass. Complete 360-degree air intake: Provides maximum airflow. Multi-function remote. Pivoting casters: For ease of mobility. Filter monitor and unit status indicator lights. This level of efficiency helps protect those with pre-existing health conditions that may be aggravated by poor indoor air quality, including: Asthma • Chronic bronchitis • Emphysema • COPD Cardiovascular disease • Cancer (especially lung cancer) Diabetes • Older adults with weaker lung function Past and current smokers • Allergies
The Healthway Compact treats an area up to 500 square feet with the same patented system.
The Healthway Super V system treats the whole home via installation into the HVAC system itself. The system can be installed on the intake or the blower side of the system, cleaning all of the air that passes through the unit, treating your whole home with fresh, purified air.
The Healhway Deluxe benefits to help you breathe easier. Proprietary Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) technology: Electronically enhanced filtration to attract and capture ultrafine particles. 7-stage VOC absorption pre-filter: Removes odors, chemicals, and other VOCs. 4 speeds: Low, medium, high, turbo. 100% sealed filtration chamber: Ensures no air bypass. Complete 360-degree air intake: Provides maximum airflow. Multi-function remote. Pivoting casters: For ease of mobility. Filter monitor and unit status indicator lights. This level of efficiency helps protect those with pre-existing health conditions that may be aggravated by poor indoor air quality, including: Asthma • Chronic bronchitis • Emphysema • COPD Cardiovascular disease • Cancer (especially lung cancer) Diabetes • Older adults with weaker lung function Past and current smokers • Allergies
The Healthway Compact treats an area up to 500 square feet with the same patented system.
The Healthway Super V system treats the whole home via installation into the HVAC system itself. The system can be installed on the intake or the blower side of the system, cleaning all of the air that passes through the unit, treating your whole home with fresh, purified air.
The EZ Breathe Ventilation System is a maintenance free unit that helps protect your home and family from excess moisture, molds, toxins, allergies and poor air quality resulting in a cleaner, healthier living environment. It provides powerful ventilation, supporting the EPA’s recommendations to use a ventilated system to reduce indoor air pollution.

- Increases the number of air exchanges in the home to prevent air stacking and humidity, as well as removing odors and preventing mold and decay.
Contact JoAnn Rohmann for purchase information for HealthWay or EZ Breathe products: 703-865-6456